Our Projects

Our Projects

Mental Health Project


Our Mental Healthcare department is a fully functional psychiatric out patient facility with a team consisting of qualified clinical psychologist, psychiatrist and psychiatric social worker. We stress on the aim of alleviating psychological distress from all the age groups of the population, however we have always been inclined towards providing psychological services to the young student population. We have held a number of awareness camps for guardians and students alike educating them regarding the different psychological problems besetting them. In our immediate surrounding of the bustling Laxmi Nagar area, we have been dealing with students who live away from home and are in great psychological stress of performing well academically amidst the everlasting financial crisis around them. Not only the students but the senior citizens, young children and there parents , families living under depression etc. We are being regularly funded by foreign organizations that make our endeavors possible.

Senior Citizen Club

In 2010 our next initiative was towards service to Senior Citizens suffering from loneliness and depression at their old age. Towards fulfilling our objective to contribute our efforts of helping the Senior Citizen to lead an active and joy full life, we formed a Senior Citizen Club with strength of more than 150 members, to fulfill our social obligation. Those capable of doing voluntary work, are participating in our activities at Som Datt Medical Centre, others including both senior men and women from nearby localities are meeting at weekly Get Together on every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the said centre. Various cultural activities/debates/indoor games and medical seminars are conducted for their entertainment, social gathering and health awareness. As a result all the senior citizens remain happy, healthy and connected with the members of the club. Now considered by the members as their own big family.

Senior Citizen Club

Yamuna Khet Project

In 2010 our next initiative was towards service to Senior Citizens suffering from loneliness and depression at their old age. Towards fulfilling our objective to contribute our efforts of helping the Senior Citizen to lead an active and joy full life, we formed a Senior Citizen Club with strength of more than 150 members, to fulfill our social obligation. Those capable of doing voluntary work, are participating in our activities at Som Datt Medical Centre, others including both senior men and women from nearby localities are meeting at weekly Get Together on every Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the said centre. Various cultural activities/debates/indoor games and medical seminars are conducted for their entertainment, social gathering and health awareness. As a result all the senior citizens remain happy, healthy and connected with the members of the club. Now considered by the members as their own big family.

Female Hygiene Project

In 2012, The Foundation through its field workers found that the young girls aging between 13 to 18 have been using unhygienic cloths, newspaper, husks during their menstrual periods. Because of this serious infection started driveling matter was reported by our health workers to the Trustees. Looking at the pathetic conditions so prevailing was a threat to the veneral diseases, Foundation decided to distribute free sanitary napkins to these girls. Ever since than the Foundation has been distributing the sanitary napkins free of cost to the registered beneficiaries on periodical basis regularly. The awareness so created has eradicated the use of unhygienecal material earlier being used.